Synesthete (noun); a person with Synesthesia

A native of Greenville, South Carolina, Ric Standridge has left his mark in Upstate of South Carolina community as the founder of South Carolina Children's Theatre and as a recruiting director for the South Carolina Governor's School for the Arts. 


Standridge owns and operates a studio and gallery at 1009 W. Bramlett Rd Greenville. His paintings have been exhibited in galleries throughout the Southeast, and his works are highly sought after by both private and corporate collectors. 


Standridge is a Synesthete, a person with Synesthesia, condition in which the normally separate senses are not separate. Sight may mingle with sound. Taste with touch, etc. As a result of this phenomenon, Standridge put his synesthesia to work in 2007, producing The Love Show, a catalog of over 64 paintings each one relating to a Beatles song. In the summer of 2023, Standridge produced The Dark Side of the Moon Show painting the entire album of Pink Floyds legendary album.  


Standridge continues to explore new avenues of expression. He states, “Each painting is a synthesis of the varied cultural influences that have shaped my own consciousness. These influences are entered into my paintings; the order and the complexity that results are intended to convey a simple message:
“Reverence for life, the human form and the human spirit.”